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Blogspot halsey badlands download

In my opinion you can really connect with it, most people have a song that whenever it comes on you just want to hear it one more time and this song captures that, with the added romanticism. 'Play It Again' is a brilliant song, the first time I heard it there was a smile on my face and by the end of the song I was singing along. I never considered myself a fan of country, but I'll confess recently I've found myself listening to a lot of it. Speaking of worth your time, check out the video for 'Oceans' below! I definitely recommend buying their music and keeping your eyes peeled for more music (and shows) from Seafret because it will certainly be worth your time. It has you feeling those emotions right along with them, which is something not a lot of artists can achieve no matter how hard they try. These guys are going to be huge, there is something pure and raw in their music that just captivates the listener. The chilled acoustic nature making the lyrics more prominent, but also fitting with the whole mood of the song. I don't know about you guys, but the lyrics are just so beautiful and they really draw you in, the verse above really captures the theme of the song and demonstrates the carefully chosen lyrics that work perfectly to ensnare the listener. "I want you and I always will, I wish I was worth but I know what you deserve. You know I'd rather drown than to go on without you, but you're pulling me down." The song was inspired by the duos move to London and being apart from their loved ones, although this may not be the interpretation of the listener it is a theme that shines throughout the song. A brilliant song to have on in the background, or to sing along to. It's got a very chilled sound to it, if I'm ever feeling tense this song helps me rewind. 'Oceans' has this amazing story to it, I find myself getting lost in the lyrics and just the amazing sound. Although they haven't yet got an album out, they do have a couple of EP's on iTunes and elsewhere.

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The acoustic duo work together beautifully to make outstanding music.

blogspot halsey badlands download

I don't really remember how I stumbled across this band, but I am glad I did.

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